Friday, January 1, 2010

Loan modifications f

Loan modifications from LENDERS ARE APPALLING , listen to this storyMorning from the new year and here a doosie for you to listen to. I just got a call from a realtor who has a client that lost her home in foreclosure , after trying for 4 months to work with the lender on the $100,000 loan balance in a $50,000 current value home. The homeowner did not want to move as they had kids and family entrenched in the area for years. After offering a price of $90,000 , to the lender and requesting a reduction in the payment to match the new requested $90,000 modification, the lender said no, and proceeded to the foreclosure date . The home did revert back to the lender and the poor family had to move out , and get a rental home ? Now they could afford the new proposed payment of the higher price of $90,000 to the lender , but the stupid , insane lenders and loan servicers , his ,cronies, and the fat cat bonus taking executives, decided not to work on this requested loan modification, and kicked her out of her home. So now i have just been awarded this home as a bank reo to list and sell for the loan servicer for this lender at $ 50,000. NOW GO FIGURE , how the hell is the average guy on the street and your clients going to fight this kind of S#@$ going on. WHERE IS THE FAIRNEST, THE COMMON DECIENCY , THE REGULATORS OF MODIFICATION HEAVEN when you need someone fighting for the little guy, the mom working 2 jobs, the dads delivering pizza to stay afloat , the guy reading the help wanted ads in despair ?, When can things get back to normal , and who is going to do it ? OBAMA

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