Tuesday, January 5, 2010


WHATS THAT? ITS JINGLE KEYS BEING MAILED BACK TO LENDERS.I really did hear them going thru the mail again, hundreds of them , wait, those are thousands of them . Remember when you heard all the stories of home owners just mailing there keys back to the lender , for the frustration of not getting anyone to listen to them, help them , or sort out there loan modification request?, well now, all those loan servicers, the bankers , and all the lenders can have a wonderful JINGLE KEY PARTY , AS there are so many homeowners, now after the holidays , now after the wonderful family dinner, and gift giving,is over, they now are throwing up there hands and just mailing the lenders , there own private revenge bomb. JINGLE KEYS. What with all the oncoming shadow inventory , you must wonder, whats the real estate market to do ? Recent analysis by the Amherst Securities Group indicates the housing industry will not only worsen as a delayed pipeline of foreclosed loans begins to liquidate, but that the Administration’s Making Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) will have no lasting effect on keeping delinquent loans current. The early signs of stabilization seen among housing industry observers may soon recede as an overhang of the shadow inventory of foreclosures waits to enter the market. The general outlook that the housing market has bottomed is “premature” optimism, according to analysis this week from Amherst. “The single largest impediment to a recovery in the housing market is the large number of loans that are either in delinquent status or in foreclosure that are destined to liquidate,” analyst Laurie Goodman said in an insight report Wednesday. Amherst estimates this “shadow inventory” at around 7m housing units, or 135% of a full year of existing home sales, compared with 1.27m units in this bucket in early 2005. The backlog is due to high transition rates, low cure rates and a longer timeline for loan liquidation – in other words, loans continue to transition into the delinquency/foreclosure pipeline at a rapid pace, but are moving out at a very slow pace. The loans, however, are “destined to liquidate. That going to cause alot of foreclosures again. Not all companies are slow, as i had the experience yesterday of getting a new reo listing rekeyed , and met the reo companies WINTERIZATION PROTECTION company tech there at the same time i was, he said he was slammed , doing 5-8 homes a day of repos , wow , looks like us realtors will have alot of homes to sell, as the market is tanking . Good luck to you all, and HOW MANY STAMPS DO YOU NEED TO MAIL JINGLE KEYS BACK TO THE LENDER?

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