Thursday, December 24, 2009

DOES renting a home

DOES renting a home in phoenix, scottsdale , arizona make sense?DOES renting a home in phoenix, scottsdale, arizona ,make sense? There are alot of pros and cons on renting a home vs the home ownership advantages,, and the case could not be more apparent than in the phoenix, scottsdale , arizona housing market. When you are able to rent a small cottage to a huge luxury home for pennies on the dollar vs the cost to buy, mortgage, insure a home , many families are opting to rent for a while until the market clears up. You have to ask yourself, why buy a house, pay the monthly mortgage, watch your home’s value grow, and eventually sell it and fund your retirement dreams. It seemed to be the natural order of things until the bubble burst. For older homeowners, the new order of things is to either sell your home at a huge loss or stay put and hope things will get better before you’re too old and frail to have any retirement dreams left. For recent homeowners, there is no dream. But there is a nightmare: Buy a house at an inflated value, pay a teaser mortgage until you can’t afford it, watch your home’s value fall like a rock, and then sink with that rock as you either default, renegotiate your loan, or sink further underwater each month. Renting never looked so good. So as you consult your clients on some of there options, consider what may be in there best interest for the short term future .I went on craigslist , just for research , and punched in 3 bedroom, 2 bath homes in phoenix , and came up with a whopping 347 homes from $500 to $1500 , so that shows you that there is a home for every budget and you can find them . Good agents turn renters into future buyers , what a goldmine of future business for all of us Realtors.

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