Tuesday, January 12, 2010


FORECLOSURES OUR US? what can we do about stopping foreclosures in phoenix,arizona? Good morning to the rest of the country. We ar experiencing , great warm weather here in the phoenix, scottsdale ,mesa , glendale, cities of phoenix ,arizona, but hold on ,the great weather is not bringing in the inbound migration of buyers? There are job employment problems, that are causing the foreclosure market to keep expanding. That puts pressure on the average home prices here locally. Foreclosure inventories also continued to climb to new highs, with November’s foreclosure rate at 3.19 percent – a month-over-month increase of 1.46 percent and a year-over-year increase of a staggering 81.41 percent. Compared to 2005 levels, LPS says foreclosure inventories across all loans are now nearly seven times higher. High-end jumbo loan foreclosure inventories are nearly 100 times more than levels four years ago. LPS reported that foreclosure starts continue to decline as a result of loss mitigation efforts like the federal government’s Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), but as more and more homeowners extend their time at the brink awaiting evaluations or running the course of the trial phase, servicers’ delinquent loan volumes have become elevated. The company says the reduction in foreclosure starts is not necessarily a positive side effect. Combined with the steady increase in the number of seriously delinquent loans, it means there is an ever-growing “shadow” inventory of troubled properties that will eventually hit the market, LPS explained. Topping LPS’ list of states with the most non-current loans is Florida. Also finding their way to the top 10 are Nevada, Mississippi, Arizona, Georgia, California, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois. States with a coveted spot on the list of those with the fewest non-current loans include North Dakota, South Dakota, Alaska, Wyoming, Montana, Nebraska, Vermont, Colorado, Oregon, and Iowa.If you want to live here in the phoenix, arizona market and do business, i suggest you set up your shop to cater to high end short sales this year, as i am seeing all levels of the economic chain being affected . WHY not move out to our wonderful city where you SHOVEL SUNSHIMNE , this time of year.

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