Tuesday, December 22, 2009


HO HO HO WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO GET A HOME SOLD IN TODAYS MARKET? Well we all have a special plan to get a home sold in todays market, so this caveman 911 emergency realtor will offer up some useful tips. Start with getting into the 21st century with a social media network plan,i know how apprehensive i was a couple of months ago starting a TWITTER, FACEBOOK, YOU TUBE, ACTIVE RAIN , BLOGGER .COM, HELLOTXT, AND HOMES.COM ACCT, and if i can do it, so can you. Look up my www.creativeazfinancing.com website ,all done in less than 2 weeks, then i went to www.propertynut.com for the real deal of maximizing my listings. How did this all come about, my broker told me to either get INTO BUSINESS, OR GET OUT OF BUSINESS ,THE OLD WAY. so i jumped in , and updated myself , a major facelift, anew altitude , and i am ready for new business. I hope my reo ,and lender owned listings keep coming my way , and i feel i have set myself up for whatever social media can find me , and if you read this article , i hope you get off your duff , and take a personal challenge from me ,that you can do this , hell your a realtor.

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