Tuesday, November 10, 2009

housing crisis far from over seller carry backs ready for market

comes from years of experience i have with the seller carry backs, seller financing , owner financing, no qualifying, and creative financing, that has been going on for along time in phoenix,arizona. There is a place for these contracts when buyers are short on downpayments ,, but mostly for families who have bad credit, no credit , low fico scores , and past financial problems. Lets get it straight , there are good ones ,and there are bad ones for a buyer to enter into with CREATIVE FINANCING , and heres an example of the bads ones.For instance a seller buys a reposession, or foreclosure home from the bank, for lets say $140,000 and spends $10,000 on remodeling, rehabbing, and improvements, thus his cost basis is now $150,000, he list it with a realtor , for say $200,000 and accepts a 10 percent downpayment from the no qualifying buyer, with a 2 year call date on the purchase contract. The buyer is happy as he has bought a home with marginal credit, and now looks down the road to the refinancing date in 2 years , to payoff the seller carryback, contract. Now , he may or may not know the owner just made a $50,000. profit on this flip,and many things can and do go wrong, in the next 2 years.THE OWNER GETS YOUR DOWNPAYMENT, USUALLY THE REALTORS HAVE TO WAIT TO GET PAID, ONLY IF THE CONTRACT ACTUALLY CLOSES IN THE 2 YEARS, PERIOD. The REAL PROBLEM IN TODAYS MARKET IS THAT HOME THAT IS UNDER CONTRACT FOR $200,000 IN 2 YEARS , MAY NOT APPRAISE FOR THAT AMOUNT , BASED ON TODAYS MARKET CONDITIONS, SO IF THE BUYER CANNOT GET THE NEW LOAN, TO PAY OFF THE SELLER , HE WILL LOOSE THE HOME , BACK TO THE SELLER , UNLESS NEW TERMS ARE AGREED UPON, the seller CAN ONLY WIN, the BUYER CAN ONLY HOPE FOR A TIE, WITH THE POSSIBILITY OF LOOSING THE DOWNPAYMENT, APPRAISAL FEE, APPLICATION,FEE, AND TIME. So can you see the buyer beware red flags waving when you buy a home from a flip and grow rich seller ?Many investors are setting up these reo s repossession, bank owned , and trustee sale purchases , to fix and flip, and when the markets gets tough to sell them , they offer easy terms, and sizzle to get in the marginal buyers. WARNING ,always use a realtor , to represent you as they have the skill to research the property and see the real cold hard facts for you

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